Monday, February 6, 2012


                  Fun Boat Ride ! Joined by our generous friends, seasoned seamen.

Relaxed. Calm. Peaceful.

We pass by several "salambaw" on our way to the Island.

White sand of Balaki stands out and more visible during low tide.

After about 20 minutes boating, now our friend is ready to anchor our boat.

puraw, medyo puraw, pumuraw-puraw.. basta white sand Balaki na!

Balaki here we come!

Couldn't wait to bury my feet in the sand!

Feeling the sand with just the right warmth of the sun.. lovely!

Pebbles and shells abound on Balaki shoreline.

Wonderful seashore I have missed to tread on.

where azure, green and cream meet

World under the sea--- extraordinarily breathtaking!

I have lived more than half of my life in Cato and with this
snorkeling experience I just had lately in Balaki,
 the more this place has  become dearer and valuable to me..

Magnificently amazing!

Playing with fishes

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